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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-02-21  |  149KB  |  1563x2428
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OCR: Causes "gray" dates to be printed as outlined characters. Causes "gray" dates to be printed as outlined characters filled with gray. Overrides the default values for date and/or fill box shading. These values must be in the range 0.0 (black) through 1.0 (white); they may be set independently of each other. The default values are 0.8 for dates and 0.9 for empty boxes. Selects weekday day as the first day of the week. The given day will appear in the left-most column of the calendar. Directs pcal to use American date conventions mm/dd[/yy] and month dd when parsing the date file default). Directs pcal to use European date conventions dd/mm[/yy] and dd month when parsing the date file. Specifies the x-axis translation value for positioning the output on the page. Specifies the y-axis translation value for positioning the output on the page. Specifies the x-axis scaling factor for the calendar size. Specifies the y-axis scaling factor for the calendar size. Specifies the name of a font to use to print the month name and year at the top of the calendar, the foot strings, and the notes box heading. For example, pcal -t Times-Roman. Similar to the -t option, but selects the font used to print the day numbers and weekday names. Similar to the -t option, but selects the font used to print the text inside each day and in the notes block. The user may also select the font size; pcal -n Helvetica/8 sets the font to 8-point Helvetica. Defines the named symbol prior to reading the date file. Un-defines the named symbol prior to reading the date file. Causes the accompanying string to be printed as a left-justified footer. Format specifiers denoting the month and/or year may appear in the string; the appropriate values will be substituted upon printing. Similar to -L, but causes the accompanying string to be printed as a centered footer. Similar to -L, but causes the accompanying string to be printed as a right-justified footer. Causes the accompanying string to be printed as the heading for the "Notes" box. Note, however, that pcal makes no attempt to ensure that it fits. Causes pcal to leave unused calendar boxes blank (default is gray). Causes pcal to suppress printing the small calendars. See the CAVEATS section for further details. Causes pcal to print the small calendars in the upper left corner (the default is to print them at the lower right). Causes pcal to print the small calendar for the previous month in the upper left corner and the next month in the lower right (the default is to print both at the lower right). Causes pcal to print a calendar for 12 consecutive months: 3 rows / 4 columns in landscape mode, 4 rows / 3 columns in portrait mode. See the CAVEATS section for details on the use of this option with other options. Causes pcal to generate a date file suitable for use as input to the Un*x calendar(1) utility. The normal PostScript output is suppressed. Resets all parameters to the program defaults. Causes pcal to write version information, parameter usage message, and full explanation of options and file formats (to stdout) and terminate. Causes pcal to write version information and parameter usage message (to stdout) and terminate. Causes pcal to write version information only (to stdout) and terminate.